Nestled 12 miles southwest of Dungannon, on the road to Augher, lies Ballygawley — a small town with a big heart. Bright, friendly, and ...
La aproape doi ani de când a avut loc accidentul feroviar din Gara CFR Galați, în urma căruia ceferista Gina Basoc și-a ...
ILOILO CITY — Metro Pacific Water (MPW) has officially begun the construction of a state-of-the-art P5.5 billion desalination plant aimed at addressing Iloilo’s water scarcity. Interior and ...
MANILA, Philippines — Authorities intercepted over P5.5 million worth of suspected crystal methamphetamine or shabu hidden in children’s toys at the Port of Clark in Angeles City, the Bureau ...
MANILA, Philippines — A subsidiary of Zamora-led Nickel Asia Corp. (NAC) is advancing the development of its massive solar farm in Zambales with a P5.18-billion loan from Yuchengco-led Rizal ...
MANILA, Philippines — A public school principal in Virac, Catanduanes has been sentenced to 11 years in prison for alleged falsification of public documents and pocketing P5,000 in government funds.
The results from the interviews showed that in many hotels with lower performance, owners avoid empowerment for fear of abuse of power and loss of the hotel. However, managers of hotels with good ...
Moneda naţională a stagnat vineri în raport cu euro, care a fost calculat de Banca Naţională a României (BNR) la 4,9773 lei, similar cu cotaţia precedentă. Pe de altă parte, leul a câştigat teren în ...
Rusia a comis 34 de atacuri hibride împotriva României anul trecut, spune un raport prezentat în Parlamentul Italiei, bazat pe informațiile publicate de autoritățile române în legătură cu alegerile ...
Starea de sănătate a papei Francisc, în vârstă de 88 de ani, spitalizat cu dublă pneumonie, înregistrează „o uşoară ameliorare”, dar rămâne în continuare „critică”, a precizat luni seară Vaticanul ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 90 years old. About 20 years ago, I had prostate cancer and went through 43 weeks of radiation. My PSA level in the past year has risen slightly from .03 ng/mL to .09 ng/mL ...