Watch an astonishing transformation as this rare Blue Bird Rocket Car lighter undergoes a complete restoration! Layers of rust, tarnish, and scratches are carefully removed, revealing its original ...
Researchers fit a transmitter onto an eagle born as part of a protection and propagation project by the Ministry of Environment in an urbanization control area on the outskirts of the city of ...
A solar energy company planning a megaproject near Kushiroshitsugen National Park in Kushiro, Hokkaido, has provided ...
A new longevity record of 42 years and seven months has been established in Japan for the short-tailed albatross, a species once so rare it was deemed extinct. The age of the bird was confirmed ...
Visit the 15-acre grounds at the former estate of the late Walter and Leonore Annenberg, including nine acres of desert ...
An American and a Japanese were among people who helped identify the mystery spider sac photographed by a Singaporean. Read ...
It has one of the longest lines in Waikiki, stretching out the door. Ever since Kona Coffee Purveyors opened at the International Market Place in 2016, its line has grown considerably. The ...
CHUG, 9 Mar: Chug valley in West Kameng district is emerging as a wintering hotspot for rare migratory bird species: the red-crested pochard, the northern pintail, the green-winged teal, the mallard, ...
When will this rare bird, a symbol of Japan, once again fly over this nation? A new challenge is about to begin. The Environment Ministry has decided to release toki crested ibises, designated as a ...
Japanese conservationists are offering support to a captive-breeding scheme aimed at saving one of the world's rarest birds from extinction. As few as 45 White-bellied Herons are feared to remain in ...
An extremely rare hybrid duck has been documented in Russia. The bird, a male Red-breasted Merganser × Smew, was seen along the Kamchatka coastline in the winters of 2023 and 2024, as reported by ...