These are the best chafing sticks and creams, as recommended by experts and editors. Plus, tips on how to prevent chafing.
Next time you’re outside, say a silent thanks for the many unsung insect pollinators helping to keep our ecosystems healthy.
Prioritize gear that directly impacts injury prevention (shoes, socks, sports bras) and comfort (anti-chafing products). For ...
Scouted selects products independently. If you purchase something from our posts, we may earn a small commission. Let me ...
Promising review: "I find the mock turtleneck to be very comfortable. It washes well and comes out of the dryer looking great ...
When it comes to the right trail running kit to wear – and take with you – for spring, the best advice is to “be prepared”.
Dermatologists wax poetic about changing your skin care routine with the seasons. As we head into the warmer spring months, ...
It's that time again! Lululemon has released this week's round of epic We Made Too Much finds, from ready-for-spring yoga ...
The Adidas spring sale is now live and promises up to 50% off a huge range of shoes, apparel and accessories, with top kit for a variety of sports and lifestyle gear included.
Athlon Sports dissects everything you need to know about the club ahead of the upcoming Major League Baseball season.