Note that FBI SWAT is not the same as the Agency’s Hostage Response Team (HRT), though both are elite units. In the 1980s, HRT was using the iconic Browning Hi-Power single-action 9mm autopistol as ...
Smith & Wesson introduced a 10 mm Auto-chambered model of its Folding Pistol-caliber Carbine, or FPC, in 2025, which joins ...
This slightly upsized version of the original Canik Mete MC9 micro-compact offers a bit more in capacity and sight radius ...
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It punched out a best group of 1.61-inches with a group average of 1.97-inches. With the suppressor installed, the three-shot group was 1.98-inches in size. The supersonic Sig Sauer’s HT hunting load ...
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