Disease-causing bacteria, fungi and viruses have been found everywhere in the gym – including on floors, door handles, ...
By far, the most germ-rich areas in any gym are places that are warm and wet - such as saunas, showers, swimming pools or hot tubs. But many other parts of the gym are also riddled with germs - ...
Your bath towels could be harbouring millions of bacteria if you're not washing them regularly enough - and the health risks ...
Skin and Hair Protection and Nutrition: The oil extracted from moringa seeds acts as a powerful shield against damage caused ...
The towel is not only contaminated with bacteria commonly found on human skin, but also with those found in our guts. These ...
Exercise is good for you - but the gym might not be.Author Primrose Freestone Senior Lecturer in Clinical Microbiology, University of ...
New findings suggest that pet dogs may serve as an overlooked conduit for transferring antibiotic-resistant Salmonella to ...
Researchers suggest that maintaining proper hygiene can help reduce the risk of infections. Antibiotic-resistant Salmonella ...
Our pet dogs may be giving us dangerous infections and spreading antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a study has found.
Pet dogs are an important but overlooked source of salmonella infections among humans, a recent study from Penn State University (PSU) has found. Hygiene practices of dog owners, dog food safety ...
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Simple hygiene is the best way to protect people and pets. Wash your hands often, said study co-author Nkuchia M’ikanatha, ...