Jasmine Isom, a senior art student at Brigham Young University, is combining her passion for art, business and missionary work into one creative endeavor.
Eschewing Persian version, Jewish Museum extends art curation scepter to masters like Rembrandt, who saw Esther's heroism ...
Painting by 17th-century Dutch painter has been researched and restored as part of the Women of the Rijksmuseum project ...
Hardgrove, who lived a life of faith through her words, actions, and art, died peacefully at her Windsor, CO home on March 7, ...
Mr. Day welcomed us into his home and showed us his masterpiece. He painted a beautiful scroll for us! Trees in the creation ...
Heller Theatre Company will present two original plays, "The Reunion" by Alex Isaak and "Wilson Bledsoe’s Return" by David Blakely, March 14-16 at the Lynn Riggs Theatre, exploring themes of ...