After washing and blocking, sections were incubated with the respective secondary Cy3-labeled antibodies (1:500 ... aging on general cyto- or myeloarchitectural patterns of the sensory cortex and ...
Piriform Cortex is a Node for Secondary Spread of Inter-Ictal Discharges in Human ... A common theme in focal epilepsy is that overlap of epileptic regions with sensory networks produces dysfunction ...
A study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence suggests that co-using alcohol and cannabis does not produce additional ...
secondary somatosensory cortex and basal ganglia. The results from the study of Ghaffar et al suggest an apparent contradiction to the electrophysiological studies that typically show no differences ...
Sensory information is represented by small varying neuronal ensembles in sensory cortices. In the auditory cortex (AC) repeated presentations ... for GCaMP8s, and secondary antibodies of ...
New research reveals how the brain rapidly adapts to sensory changes using a feedback loop between the olfactory cortex and the olfactory bulb.
A new mathematical model sheds light on how the brain processes different cues, such as sights and sounds, during decision making.
The cerebral cortex is the largest part of a mammal's brain, and by some measures the most important. In humans in particular, it's where most things happen-like perception, thinking, memory storage ...
The wells don't store the content of a specific memory, but each one acts as a pointer to a specific memory, which is stored in the synapses between the hippocampus and the sensory cortex.