"I've never exceeded 150km last year...." Futures League game against SSG Landers on the 20th when LG Twins' Jang Hyun-sik ...
Lee Kang-in is being deployed instead of Baek Seung-ho in the third qualifying round for the 2026 North-China World Cup ...
Egan Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter] Lee Kang-in, Baek Seung-ho, and Jung Seung-hyun will leave the national team.Coach Hong ...
The South Korea national team, led by coach Hong Myung-bo, drew 1-1 against Oman in the seventh match of Group B of the Asian ...
Hong Myung-bo breathed a sigh of relief. South Korea drew 1-1 in Group B's seventh match of the 2026 North-China World Cup ...
Samsung baseball is unusual. He won the opening game for two consecutive games with a strong batting lineup.Samsung won the ...