An important trend in increasing shipbuilding productivity is integrating the computer-aided ship design process ... minimum rectangle, sight line templates and pin-jig bed).
Prepare to be amazed by the massive scale of giant propeller production! Watch as these engineering marvels come to life in a factory where size and precision meet. From molding to machining, discover ...
If you’ve ever vacationed on a cruise ship, then you ... the first time any cruise line has endorsed or participated in the cruise duck phenomenon. It’s already making cruisers even more ...
The President announced a new office dedicated to revamping US shipbuilding and making ships "very fast, very soon." It's ...
The resurrection of military shipbuilding in the U.S. will hinge on improving wages and benefits for workers at shipyards, ...
Can Forbes Travel Guide solve the commissions conundrum?Forbes Travel Guide's endorsed travel agencies are dreaming the impossible dream: being paid hotel commissions ...
Jamaica tourism goes full steam into the digital ageThe island is leaning into digital transformation, using technology to fundamentally change how tourism-related businesses are... What last year ...
With Sleep Awareness Week coming up, it’s the perfect time to make sure you're getting the quality rest your body needs. That ...
Taiwan’s forte is in front-end equipment OEM, turnkey automation service, back-end process equipment supply, component maintenance and repair service, and channel business, it said. “With the ...
Montecito-based Meghan, 43, took to Instagram on Sunday to share six of her favourite remakes, writing: 'Love seeing how ...
Australia has made sure the world is aware of China’s movements in international waters in the South Pacific, issuing daily location updates from trailing Australian Navy ships and spy planes.