Library snacking is a delicate art—some of you have mastered it. Others, as you will soon learn, have not. I’m here to rank ...
And he truly has learned how to express himself with . . . well, I wouldn’t call it “eloquence,” but at the very least you certainly can always tell when the president has had a bad day. For example, ...
Political opponents are still the congressman's constituents. Finstad doesn't represent just the people who voted for him.
Most film has a shelf life of 150 years or less. Video starts to degrade at 10 years. This new Wichita company is trying to save as much of it as it can.
Curmudgeons may scoff - Look out the dang window to see ... “We do have visitors,” Bost said in closing Tuesday’s silent public-comment period. “Just not as many as we might like.” ...
We scoff at such notions ... Staying in line, keeping your head down and being mostly silent is increasingly seen as a winning survival strategy for incumbents who are relatively new to D.C ...