Three years after Sony unveiled the flagship WH-1000XM5 headphones, a successor is finally in the works. The company’s WH-1000XM6 premium headphones have just been spotted on a certification platform.
When it comes to the best wireless headphones, Sony is the leader of the pack. The Sony WH-1000XM5 have been our best pick ...
President Trump has issued more executive orders, aimed at the military, that range from the elimination of DEI policies to ...
Sony is the latest company to include explicit language for burn-in coverage for an OLED desktop monitor.
Like many of you, I presume, I have spent the past few months feeling overwhelmed. By the news, by social media — and by the ...
Recent FCC filings give us a sneak peek into what could be Sony's next-gen XM6 headset. Drawings suggest a slightly tweaked physical design from the current ...
Headband headphones are classic headphones that encompass your whole ear to provide the most in-depth auditory sensation.