Use barriers such as chicken wire over the soil to deter digging. In addition, although it’s not the prettiest solution, a ...
Dear Heloise: If you cannot open a jar, the easiest way is to put a thick rubber band on the lid and turn it. If this doesn’t ...
Squirrels. You either love them or you hate them. I find them entertaining and a little bit crazy. They haven’t chewed my cable lines yet, so they are OK at this point. I find that by feeding them ...
Feeding and interacting with wild animals can cause a number of issues for not only the wildlife, but people as well.
"Grey squirrels can damage maize and fruit crops. They are a threat to orchards and market gardens. They destroy bulbs and corms, eat tree nuts, recently sown seeds and enter into roof voids, damaging ...
Pests like rats, mice and even squirrels are on the lookout for easy meals at this time of year, and easily accessible waste is an open invitation. 'Rotting food is an absolute banquet to them ...
By protecting natural spaces and animals on campus, we can help ensure that Aldrich Park remains a thriving center for both ...