U.S. soldiers began moving into new, Polish-built barracks buildings at Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area on March 11, 2025.
Advancing scalable solid-state quantum computing from materials to quantum processors and simulators—this is the ambitious project goal of the joint European project SPINUS. During their annual ...
Mit Hilfe eines Metalldetektors macht ein Mann in Nordengland eine spektakuläre Entdeckung aus der Zeit um Jesu Geburt.
Ein Journalist landet nach eigenen Angaben versehentlich in einem Signal-Chat mit Trump-Ministern. Dort liest er brisante ...
Jay Ellis, who plays a very fictionalized version of NBA legend Floyd, and Pedro Pascal, making a surprise appearance (and who has a hilarious scene opposite East Bay native Tom Hanks in the film) ...
Mercedes trainiert humanoide Roboter namens Apollo im Werk Berlin-Marienfelde, um zukünftig selbstständig in der ...
T. Gary Hudson, former president and CEO of Farmers & Merchants Bank, has been named the new chairman of the board for the SW ...
Arkansas State’s Bryan Hodgson is headed south. He has been hired as the new head coach at South Florida, agreeing to and ...
Mit der Gründung des institutsübergreifenden Fraunhofer-Labs „FlaQship“ soll anwendungsorientiertes Quantencomputing ...
They beat Gannon Monday. (March 25, 2025) ...
They received a grand send-off. (March 25, 2025) ...
Die wichtigsten Zahlen: In Deutschland gibt es 35 Milliardärinnen. Knapp die Hälfte von ihnen, 45,7 Prozent, haben einen ...