The Art of Winning' chronicles Belichick's historic legacy as head coach of the New England Patriots, with advice for life beyond football.
Local author Thomas Kohnstamm's new book, "Supersonic," is an intergenerational story that takes place in Seattle in the 19th ...
Broadway San Diego has revealed its 48th Season. This season brings a lineup of Award-winning productions, cherished classics ...
After fierce online bidding wars for vintage copies of “Entertaining,” a homemaking classic from 1982, the publisher decides ...
Soon enough, artificial intelligence may be able to recreate the sounds — but there will be something missing.
It may not sound like the best of ideas: combining the consumption of ale with the throwing of sharp objects at a small ...
WEST AKRON — One could argue that singer-songwriter Tracey Thomas has enough bona fide Akron music icon status to have ...
Marvel and DC have made use of several different sound effects in their comics over the years, many of which have now become ...