With veteran actors leaving NCIS, the police procedural drama, with every season, fans are concerned about the fate of Sean ...
A possible death on NCIS might affect the future of Tim McGee and his actor, Sean Murray. The long running crime procedural show has entered its 22nd season. In the season's first episode ...
Sean Murray has been playing Senior Field Agent Timothy McGee in NCIS since the show’s inception in 2003. His portrayal of the cybersecurity and computer crime expert has been loved by fans.
Sean Murray as Special Agent Timothy McGee on the NCIS cast. Pic credit: Michael Yarish/CBS CBS has a new episode of NCIS ready to debut on Monday night. This is NCIS Season 22, Episode 13 ...
Sean Murray as Special Agent Timothy McGee on NCIS Season 22. Pic credit: Robert Voets/CBS NCIS Season 22, Episode 15, will be the next new episode. But fans will have to wait a while until it debuts.