Backstage in a dressing room drinking a can of diet Mountain Dew as 900 people filled a theater in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on ...
Following former State Senator Justin Eichorn’s (06, R) arrest and subsequent dismissal, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has ...
The governor issued the writ of special election Tuesday afternoon to fill the District 6 seat that spans parts of Cass, Crow Wing and Itasca Counties.
The special election will fill the seat of Justin Eichorn, who resigned from the Minnesota Senate following his arrest for ...
Tim Walz said he wouldn’t be there if not for ... running through speculation that ranged from Trump soon ordering the arrest of a political opponent to trying to anoint a son as ...
Tim Walz (D-MN), with the former able to do something ... Minnesota state senator resigns after being arrested for alleged sexual misconduct with a minor Adam Schiff says Democrats need to show ...
A Minnesota state senator who was caught in a sting operation resigned after he was charged with soliciting a minor for ...
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz warns that Donald Trump may arrest political opponents and ignore court rulings if he returns to ...
How the third-term Minnesota Senator, who resigned Thursday after being charged withr soliciting a minor for sex work, ...