The Georgia House narrowly passed tort reform bill SB 68, which supporters say protects businesses but critics argue limits victims' rights to sue.
A controversial tort reform bill may reduce lawsuits and jury awards, but there's discussion on whether it would reduce rising insurance premiums.
Lawmakers could vote on a package of bills, Senate Bill 68 and Senate Bill 69, that would overhaul Georgia’s tort system as soon as this week.
CBSE Class 10 Maths Sample Paper 2024-25: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) sample papers for the 2024-25 session are out for the students to download and solve. Students can compare ...
244, which is being debated in the Senate, is designed to amend the South Carolina Code of Laws for tort reform, which refers to limiting ... flanked not only by state lawmakers but a representative ...
Multiple lawsuits and a tort claim that have come to light recently accuse the city of Caldwell and the Caldwell Police Department of discriminatory workplace violations. The lawsuits, filed by ...
The report cites tort costs ranging from expenses associated with litigation, to compensation paid to claimants, and administrative costs to process claims as examples of costs impacting Texans and ...
CBSE Class 12th Sample Papers 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made available all subject sample papers officially along with solutions for academic year 2024-25 ...
The arrest of a British couple in Afghanistan was a “clear example of the Taliban’s alarming lawlessness”, a former US ambassador to the war-ravaged country has said. Peter and Barbie ...
Brian Kemp’s tort reform legislation passed a major hurdle ... would be to prevent “a plaintiff’s counsel arguing, for example, the plaintiff’s pain and suffering is worth, for example ...
Examples include a sailor who sought to bar the Navy from enforcing vaccination mandates and a Marine who sought to enjoin boot camp grooming requirements because they likely violated the Religious ...
Georgia's tort system is set for a makeover after the state Senate passed a tort reform bill, Senate Bill 68, which seeks to overhaul litigation processes within the state. In a move celebrated by ...