Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is among the leading institutions of higher studies in South Africa. It accepts and ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — An appeals court on Friday lifted a block on executive orders seeking to end government support for diversity, equity and inclusion programs, handing the Trump administration a ...
Arlington National Cemetery has begun wiping from its website histories highlighting Black, Hispanic and women veterans. The change is in line with President Trump's directive to remove references ...
The sequel to the classic golf comedy drops July 25. Check out Shake Shack, Buffalo Wild Wings and Wendy's throughout the tournament. The popular sparkling beverage from Austin, Texas The NBA game ...
This high-level audit, led by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in partnership with Norths Projects Ltd, an internationally recognized engineering firm, will comprehensively assess the entire Connect PNG ...
I thought it was extremely tacky. I thought the country had elected a President, not King Tut,” responded another. The post features side-by-side photos of the Oval Office under Trump and former ...
Idealnya, hubungan dosen dengan mahasiswa adalah hubungan transformasional. Bagaimana dosen tidak hanya memotivasi mahasiswa untuk menjadi lebih baik (tut wuri handayani), tetapi juga menginspirasi ...
PAPUA New Guinea’s oldest daily newspaper, the Post-Courier, has been referred to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee by Speaker Job Pomat following concerns over its front-page headline and online ...
Premier Tim Houston confirmed Thursday that the Nova Scotia government has reached agreement with Ottawa and New Brunswick to fund the essential infrastructure work needed on the Isthmus of Chignecto ...
Dua lainnya adalah jabatan perusahaan Daerah. Sekretaris daerah Wuri Pujiastuti menjelaskan, kekosongan jabatan itu akan secepatnya diisi. Pengisian akan dilakukan dengan sistem lelang jabatan.
LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM - Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto resmi menetapkan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2025-2029. Salah satu dalam rencana tersebut adalah 77 proyek ...
LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM - Tak terasa lebaran sebentar lagi, siap-siap THR mulai cair, segini yang akan dibayarkan Taspen. Lebaran semakin dekat, dan bagi para pensiunan Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) ...