A Trump admin memo argues the U.S. foreign aid structure is too broad, too costly and failed to reduce some nations' ...
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopia's parliament on Thursday introduced a new tax for all workers as part of measures to ...
The agency targeted by the Trump administration was a living example of tzedakah that saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
The American people have a long history of supporting humanitarian aid, and that support should continue by urging elected ...
Rarely if ever does a newspaper headline include the words “crisis averted,” yet, that is what investments in development ...
Michigan State University is one of several schools where research has been halted in the wake of President Donald Trump's ...
The federal government has not reimbursed K-State for about $1 million in expenses related to its work on global food ...
Americans to unite in support of our food aid programs at home and overseas. Fighting hunger is critical to both our domestic and foreign policy. But sadly ...
I am worried about the recent Trump administration decision to stop all USAID world food programs at a time when millions of people in Sudan, Yemen and other areas are in danger of dying of starvation ...
The Trump administration's dismantling of USAID threatens the international system for forecasting and tracking extreme ...
Edesia Nutrition, a North Kingstown-based nonprofit, has laid off 10% of its workforce due to a lack of government funding.
The Trump Administration's plan to shut down USAID, which houses the Food for Peace program, should be rejected. Food for Peace, started by President Eisenhower, is vital in fighting global hunger ...