6. Reconsider your birth control method. A couple things you’ll want to avoid if you’re trying to ward off UTIs: unlubricated and spermicide-treated condoms. Both items can irritate your ...
LOS ANGELES, March 2 (Reuters) - The independent film “Flow” won the best animated feature film Oscar on Sunday, securing the first Academy Award for Latvia and its Latvian director Gints ...
Vaginal ulcers (also vulvar or genital ulcers) are small sores that form on your vagina, the passageway connecting your uterus (womb) to the outside of your body. They can also form on your vulva ...
The condoms may be lubricated or non-lubricated. They may also include spermicide for additional protection. When used correctly, most external condoms help prevent sexually transmitted infections ...
From a swoony French short about kids grossed out by kissing to an ultra-dark look behind the scenes of a canceled children's TV show, this year's noms run the gamut of styles and ideas. The ...
The types of nonhormonal birth control include copper IUDs, barrier methods, spermicide, and natural family planning. The best birth control for you is one that fits your health needs, personal ...
The birth control pill is used by over 10 million women in the US today and about 4 million of those are under age 25. The Pill consists of a combination of two types of artificial hormones called ...
Treatment for pimples on the labia includes using a warm, wet compress, keeping the area clean, and applying a topical acne medication. Some people may refer to pimples on the labia as "pimples on ...
Someone may experience itching around the vulva and vagina for several possible reasons. For example, vaginal itching or irritation may be due to contact with fabrics or scented soaps, yeast ...
Once downloaded, you can run it using Singularity. To Create the p_distance matrix and construct nj-tree newick tree # 1.1) To new all the sample p_distance matrix and newick tree based VCF, run ...
Additionally, changes in normal vaginal flora (bacteria), such as those related to pH balance disturbances, can be brought on with the introduction of sperm, spermicides, lubricants or douching soaps.