A varied thrush, a bird native to the Pacific Northwest, has been frequenting a bird feeder in the yard of Valley Vision ...
The juncos are back in Glacier National Park. The affable birds nest in shallow burrows in the ground and are some of the first birds to return to Glacier each spring, along with the varied thrush, ...
It starts with the always surprising, always inevitable, clear, rich whistle of the varied thrush. I start listening for them on New Year’s Day, but I usually have to wait a week or two before ...
However, the Baltimore, Orchard, and Bullock’s Orioles are the most common in America. The Varied Thrush is a common bird all across the western coast of North America, going north to Canada for ...
This humble hamlet sits at the intersection of several ecological wonders – where ancient redwoods tower like nature’s ...
When the snow arrived on the night of Feb. 3, we not only awoke to a white winter wonderland but also to the overnight arrival of thousands of varied thrushes. This species, a close relative of our ...
The bird population provides a constant soundtrack to your hike—the rat-a-tat-tat of pileated woodpeckers, the melodic variations of winter wrens, and the distinctive call of varied thrushes echo ...