The Border Security Force (BSF) on Wednesday rescued a serval, an African wild cat, while the animal was being smuggled into India from Bangladesh through Nadia district in West Bengal ...
This was for me the primary reason why the Bengal Biennale was successful, the fact that they chose public spaces open to anyone who cared to visit. Across the hallway, Dibakar Karmakar, the head of ...
The South Bengal Frontier of the Border Security Force (BSF) rescued an African wild cat (Leptailurus serval) from an alleged wildlife smuggling attempt along the India-Bangladesh border of Nadia ...
A few cattle went missing from the villages, but the Forest department has not been able to capture the tigress that strayed into West Bengal from ... release it in the wild.
In the earlier 830 posts, we featured an art festival, cartoon gallery. world music festival, telecom expo, millets fair, climate change expo, wildlife conference, startup festival, Diwali rangoli ...
Artist Avijit Ghosh’s love for art and his resolve to propagate Bengal’s indigenous art form and culture in Paris—where he has resided and worked for the past 12 years—is contagious. Ghosh carries ...
Lipi Biswas hosts a studio visit, employing Santhali women to create ceramic ware, while Papri Basak focuses on natural dye The Bengal Biennale is not just an art exhibition; it is a platform for ...
There are interview podcasts and then there's Wild Card. Rachel Martin rips up the typical interview script and invites guests to answer questions they've never been asked before about life's ...
People had asked me before the elections whether I would visit Sandeshkhali or not. I had told them that I would be going later, the chief minister of West Bengal says ...
Now as exciting as this sounds, the Museum of Art & Photography (MAP) and exhibition curator Yash Sanhotra have put together a captivating display of palampores and textile fragments, dating back to ...