As I watched a woodpecker banging away at a tree, it made me think, why don’t woodpeckers get headaches or suffer brain trauma from all that drumming? So, I looked it up. Once again, nature has ...
or Bluesky (@Bowmanoutside). DALE’S MAILBAG “The wife and I spotted two pileated woodpeckers, along the Sag Valley Trail (Yellow Trail) near Swallow Cliffs [on Jan. 25]. . . . They were in the ...
With its iridescent green-black plumage and rosy belly, this unusual woodpecker often catches insects mid-air like a flycatcher. Lewis's Woodpecker stands out with its unique coloration. The bird has ...
America’s most common woodpecker is also its smallest. The boldly marked Downy Woodpecker is a familiar little bird of forests, woodlands, and backyards across North America. The Downy Woodpecker is a ...
1925: Initial steps were taken at Tuesday’s meeting of Flagstaff Rotary Club to raise $2,500 in cash subscriptions in Flagstaff, to be matched by a like amount to be subscribed in Verde Valley ...
The common open-country woodpecker of eastern Mexico and northern Central America. It crosses the border mainly in southern Texas, where it is very common, noisy, and conspicuous. Similar in ...
The couple were taken around the site, learning about the different projects the volunteers at the community farm, and the volunteers from the City Rotary Club are involved in. Julie Milsom ...