The species can only be found in parts of Northern and Central California. It was hit hard by the West Nile Virus in the ...
Most smart bird feeders simply put an outdoor security camera into a bird feeder so you can spy on the feathered (and furry) ...
Male Galápagos yellow warblers appear to be shifting their behavior and adjusting their calls in response to the din of ...
For birds, sound is survival. Their songs establish territories, attract mates, and warn of dangers. When traffic noise ...
A study by Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Vienna found that yellow warblers in the Galapagos show increased ...
Yellow Warblers that live close to roads in the Galápagos get more aggressive around traffic noises, per a new study ...
Biofluorescence is widespread in birds-of-paradise, a group of tropical birds famous for their spectacular courtship dances.
The Galápagos yellow warblers on the more populous island of Santa Cruz also increased the duration of their song when ...
Or, you can simply head to a parking lot. Take, for instance, the now-empty parking lot at the former Costco in Bend, where ...
Manitowoc Rifle & Pistol Club, 7227 Sandy Hill Lane, Two Rivers, will hold its spring hunter safety course from 5:30 to 8:30 ...