Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan met with auto-rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who had rushed him to the hospital after he ...
A week after the knife attack on Saif Ali Khan at his Mumbai home, singer Mika Singh has reportedly declared a reward of Rs 1 ...
Bhajan Singh Rana, who took Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital last week after the actor was stabbed at his home, spoke about ...
Bhajan Singh Rana had rushed Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital in the early hours of 16 January after Saif was stabbed six ...
Singer Mika Singh announced that he will reward the autorickshaw driver Bhajan Singh with Rs. 1 lakh for taking Saif Ali Khan ...
A copy of the 54-year-old actor's medico-legal case report has emerged, which clarifies that Kareena Kapoor's husband was stabbed five times.
Saif Ali Khan was injured after being stabbed at his home in Bandra, Mumbai. Mumbai Police have arrested a suspect in the case, alleged to be a Bangladeshi.
Auto Rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who saved the life of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan, rushing him to the hospital after the knife attack on January ...
Auto rickshaw driver Bhajan Singh Rana, who had rushed wounded Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan to Lilavati Hospital, said he is ...
Sometimes just one night ends up unveiling so many people. Why a night, at times just a moment is enough to reveal the real you — beyond all perception, beyond veils and even self-deception.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was admitted to Lilavati Hospital around two hours after being stabbed multiple times at his ...
After spending a few days under medical supervision, the 54-year-old actor, was discharged from the hospital on Tuesday.