Many lobbyists and business leaders who normally storm Parliament House on budget night stayed away. But not Clive Palmer.
The statement of risks details tens of billions of dollars in exposure taxpayers may have to pay, including to the mining ...
A virtual Tucker Carlson is more appealing for Ralph Babet than Jim Chalmers’ showpiece in Canberra next Tuesday.
Trumpet for Patriots Party chair Clive Palmer has slammed Labor’s $5 tax cut announcement, labelling it a "bloody insult".
Billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer thinks the Australian Public Service is overrun by external consultants and he wants ...
The colourful billionaire owner of Queensland-based Mineralogy’s pitch is to bring Donald Trump style policies to Australia.
Clive Palmer has spent around $570,000 on Youtube ads over the last eleven days, including $161,000 during the past weekend ...
Read a statement from Clive Palmer and a Nine spokesperson.
Clive Palmer has vowed to bombard Australians with political ads for his Trumpet of Patriots party as the billionaire calls ...
Clive Palmer has renewed calls for Kevin Rudd to be dumped as Australia's Ambassador to the United States, as he unveiled the policies of his new 'Make Australia Great Again' party. The ...