"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what ...
In 'The Brutalist,' the fictional Tóth pioneered Brutalism in Philadelphia. In real life, it was architects like William ...
The Oscar-tipped drama is about a Hungarian-Jewish architect who survives the Holocaust and emigrates to the United States ...
After 22 years since he won his first Oscar at the age of 29, the youngest actor ever to win in that category, for his role ...
As Bob Dylan and Laszlo Tóth, Timothée Chalamet and Adrien Brody depict different, but related trajectories for Jewish ...
Adrien Brody captivates as a post-war immigrant who comes to America to chase his version of the American Dream.
In depicting an architect who flees Nazi Germany, the Oscar-winning actor was mindful of his mother’s journey to America.
In a wide-ranging conversation with RogerEbert.com, Corbet and Fastvold reflected on brutalism’s enduring relevance, the ...
The Brutalist was one of the best movies of 2024, and honestly one of the best theatrical experiences I’ve had since I saw ...
Adrien Brody, who is considered a best actor frontrunner this awards season for his role as a post-World War II refugee in ...
It's the first day of a new era for "Cinema Chat"! Marquee Arts cinema program director, Nick Alderink, is now the permanent ...