With fighters from the M23 rebel movement appearing poised to enter the city of Goma, the U.N. Security Council met a day early on Sunday to discuss the fighting, in which three U.N. peacekeepers have ...
It threatened "disciplinary action" for any staff ignoring the administration's orders. A sharply-worded memo sent on Saturday to more than 10,000 staff at USAID offered further guidance to Friday’s ...
The U.S. Commerce Department and FBI are both investigating a little-known telecoms hardware firm founded by senior Huawei veterans in China over possible security risks, sources and documents show.
U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters on Monday praised his swift executive actions upon his return to the White House, while critics derided his planned mass deportations and a rollback in ...
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
A F-35 fighter jet crashed during the landing phase of a training exercise at the Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska on Tuesday, but the pilot was safe after ejecting from the aircraft, the Associated P ...
不少市民在大年初一到大埔林村拋寶牒許願, 祈求蛇年順境. 林村許願廣場今年第二年舉辦 「許願夜市」, 由年初一至初七, 由晚上七時至十時舉行, 現場會有多個攤檔, 同時會有夜光許願樹讓遊人打卡. 文化體育及旅遊局局長羅淑佩出席林村許願節活動, 她又拋寶牒許願, 一拋即中. 羅淑佩說, 為慶祝農曆新年, 本港精心準備了一連串精彩的賀歲活動, 希望旅客來港感受繽紛燦爛氣氛, 對本港今年農曆新年的旅客數 ...
Russia's largest oil companies may receive permission from the government to gasoline exports until the end of February, which will allow them run their refineries at the maximum rate, the Kommersant ...
The Trump administration has revoked an extension of deportation protections that the previous administration granted to more than 600,000 Venezuelans already in the United States, the New York Times ...
Russia and Syria will hold further talks over Russian military bases in Syria, Russia's news agencies reported late on Tuesday, citing Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov after his talks ...
The U.S. Department of Education said on Tuesday it was investigating whether the Denver school system discriminated against women and girls by converting a female bathroom into one for all genders. G ...
原子能科學家將「末日鐘」指針調到距午夜剩89秒的位置, 是史上最接近午夜的時刻. 總部設在美國芝加哥的非牟利組織「原子科學家公報」的科學安全委員會, 以俄羅斯威脅在烏克蘭戰事中動用核武、 北京加強向台灣施壓, 以及北韓持續試射導彈等原因, 將「末日鐘」指針自去年的位置, 再向前撥快1秒, 去到距離象徵毀滅點的午夜僅剩89秒. 委員會說, 這是對全球領袖的一個警告, 又說, 將世界從懸崖邊緣拉回來的 ...