On 17-19 December, the Department for the Execution of Judgments carried out a mission to Tirana to discuss and promote ...
The European Court of Human Rights oversees the implementation of the Convention in the 46 Council of Europe member states.
Commissioner O’Flaherty held a consultation meeting on the human rights of Roma and Travellers in the Council of Europe area “With an estimated 10 to 12 million Roma and Trave ...
Les personnes LGBTI continuent d'être victimes de discriminations et de violences qui portent atteinte à leurs droits humains ...
Dans plusieurs régions européennes touchées par des conflits passés ou en cours, le respect des droits humains, de la ...
In several European regions affected by past or ongoing conflicts, the achievement of human rights, democracy and the rule of ...
Despite progress, women’s and girls’ rights in Europe face setbacks and numerous challenges, including violence, discrimination and hate speech. The Commissioner’s work focuses on promoting measures t ...
Often, women with disabilities are invisible and marginalised in society, including among those promoting the rights of persons with disabilities, and those promoting gender equality and the ...
LGBTI people continue to face discrimination and violence that affects their human rights. The Commissioner urges the authorities to combat discrimination and violence, raise awareness of the rights ...
Terrorism challenges our democracies and requires effective state responses. But counter-terrorism efforts must respect democracy, the rule of law and human rights. The Commissioner’s approach underli ...
Le terrorisme défie nos démocraties et exige des réponses efficaces de la part des États. Mais les efforts de lutte contre le terrorisme doivent respecter la démocratie, l'État de droit et les droits ...
Tous les textes pertinents dans une seule publication : la 4e édition du recueil des textes de la Charte des langues mise à jour est désormais disponible en anglais et en français. Elle contient, ...