Figure 1: The simplified NetBill protocol.
Consumers face two types of trojan horse challenges when they engage in electronic commerce on the World Wide Web.
The speculative execution approach exploits the increasing abundance of spare processing cycles to automate prefetching for applications that stall on disk I/O. Usually, when an application needs some ...
The console logs generated by an application contain messages that the application developers believed would be useful in debugging or monitoring the application. Despite the ubiquity and large size ...
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After receiving an HTTP GET request, the servlet first obtains the resource corresponding to the requested URL. The exact method of obtaining the resource depends on whether the resource is static or ...
In this paper we introduce the idea of model inference assisted fuzzing aimed to cost effectively improve software security. We experimented with several model inference techniques and applied fuzzing ...
Ideally, the client (or a client-size proxy) should dynamically download the code that performs the binding. The code can be downloaded together with the data. Such a ...
Laurent D. Michel, Alexander A. Shvartsman, and Nikolaj Volgushev, University of Connecticut ...
The operating system maintains counts of the number of clock interrupts that occur in each system mode (user-mode, kernel-mode, and idle). During the course of each trial, we logged these counters ...
Figure 6: Excerpt from a web page describing user interface toolkits. The page describes over 100 toolkits with various properties: some are free, some are commercial; some run on Unix, others ...
Plain text has less explicit structure than HTML, so text constraints for plain text typically refer to delimiters like punctuation marks and line breaks. Consider the following example of processing ...