Vouchers would let parents use public funds to pay for their kids’ private education. Learn about how they could work and the ...
Under Senate Bill 2, families whose income is 500% at or below the federal poverty level would be considered a low-income ...
The Senate education committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 2, which would establish education savings accounts.
The proposal, a priority of Gov. Greg Abbott, budgets $1 billion over the next two years to fund the private school vouchers.
The school voucher debate officially started today in the Texas Senate. The new proposal would set aside a billion dollars ...
The Texas Senate is proposing $1 billion annually for a school voucher program. Sen. Brandon Creighton has now filed SB 2.
A funding proposal would allow up to 100,000 K-12 students who want to enroll to a private school to participate.
Texas House and Senate released a budget to set $1 billion of our tax dollars to go towards education savings accounts ...
Under SB 2, the proposed $1 billion in the budget would mean roughly up to 100,000 Texas students who want to enroll in an ...
A bipartisan group of rural Republicans and Democrats killed the idea in the legislature two years ago. This year, Governor ...