"We usually try to do this once a month on a Friday, at the end of the month," explained Yuvraj Verma, a sixth-grade math teacher. "So, that way students have an incentive of something that they could ...
A Brookline High student has started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to create a memorial bench for her eighth grade math ...
For example, last year 94% of Little Silver sixth graders met or exceeded the sixth-grade math standards, yet only 15% of sixth graders in nearby Long Branch met those same standards, according to ...
Kids in Canada who say, “Oh, I can’t learn math,” and give up and adopt a math-phobia, often have parents who hated math, a Mamma Bear who is mathematically illiterate and made their kids believe that ...
The key to success for Waggoner is that she gives her students the confidence to succeed.