Creek and environmental cleanups reveal a growing plastic problem that advocates say lawmakers can no longer ignore.
Keep Leesburg Beautiful, an anti-litter initiative that officially kicks off April 5, is offering deals with local businesses ...
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration has launched the first Operation Clean Sweep Maryland ...
Our Keep Burnley Beautiful campaign is back. We aim to put the spotlight on the groups, individuals and organisations that ...
A thrush trapped 40 feet up a tree has been rescued and released back into the wild after teamwork from the RSPCA and fire ...
It's been nearly 50 years since a certain commercial hit the air. If you lived in Tennessee at the time, I bet you remember ...
Gov. Greg Abbott pushed a bill to ban kids from defecating in classrooms but refused to give an example of that happening anywhere in the state.
An initiative to clear rubbish on a busy road near Dover is set to begin on Monday ahead of a campaign to prevent litter ...
The social media campaign is called “Put a Lid on Litter.” IDOT officials said litter on the roadways is not only ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WSIL)—The Illinois Department of Transportation is launching an anti-littering social media campaign to ...
The RSPCA is urging Brits to litter pick in March to prevent “distressing” wildlife incidents including injuries and death.
Three vehicles have been seized by police in a crack down on modified cars and antisocial behaviour in Boston. Lincolnshire ...