Brazil lost 400 thousand hectares of water surface in 2024. The country’s territory covered by water bodies and reservoirs ...
As Earth continues to warm, more and more of the planet is becoming dry. A 2024 UN report found that in the last three ...
Water-rich Brazil becoming ever drier, report warns Brazil is home to 12 percent of Earth's freshwater reserves, much of it in the Amazon, but is losing natural surface water as climate change and ...
Speaking to reporters about his country, Brazil, he said that the southern part faced floods and at the same time, there was a drought in the Amazon. As a result, Brazil is keen to involve all parts ...
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, US — Notable drought and dryness have dominated North America since 2020. It was set off by the ...
May arabica coffee (KCK25) today is up +0.30 (+0.08%), and May ICE robusta coffee (RMK25) is down -21 (-0.38%). Coffee prices ...
Deus e Pai, Tefe, Brazil Deep in the Amazonas region of Brazil, Mayleane Melo leans on her red sofa to ease the pain of a contraction. Her baby is coming. Next to her is Tabita dos Santos Moraes - one ...
As US growers prepare to plant the 2025 corn crop, the market faces many unknowns. Among them are widely varying South ...
To help take a placenta out after birth, Maria Delaide Pontes Cevalho, a 72-year-old midwife in Tefe, said she will shake the ...
Conflict-affected countries are urging Brazil to put finance to help them build resilience to climate change front and centre at COP30 ...
The Serra do Assuruá is in the north-central region of the Bahia state of Brazil, on the country’s east coast. The research team includes Sarah Mângia, Guilherme do Amaral, Márcia Müller and Diego J.
Extreme weather is disrupting global food supplies, and sugar is one casualty, with an impending sugar shortage.