Churp, a brand-new subscription service from Titmouse, modernizes that nostalgic joy. Churp isn’t the first instance in which Titmouse has offered experiences that engage fans beyond the screen ...
Previously, she founded The Mary Sue. The upcoming service is called Churp — a reference to Titmouse’s production card, which features an animated titmouse saying the word “chirp,” usually ...
This was emphasized to her early in her career. “That started to affect how I made music,” she said, explaining that she was “bridled to think about women in music” in those terms.
Offset announced that he will be performing in Russia next month. His concert will oppose an ongoing boycott of Russia by his label Universal Music Group, which suspended operations in the country ...
I think you do. I do.” said Chris Prynoski, Founder and President of Titmouse. “Celebrating 25 years of doing what we love makes this year’s event even more thrilling. Feeding the audience the private ...