King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) adalah ular berbisa terpanjang di dunia, mencapai panjang hingga 5,5 meter, dan merupakan ...
The King Cobra and Indian Krait are two of India's most venomous snakes, each with unique advantages in lethality and hunting strategies. A clash between them would likely favor the larger ...
IDN Times Community adalah media yang menyediakan platform untuk menulis. Semua karya tulis yang dibuat adalah sepenuhnya tanggung jawab dari penulis.
Ular Welang, atau Banded Krait, adalah salah satu spesies krait terbesar yang ... Dimana ular weling biasa ditemukan? Ular weling (Bungarus candidus) adalah salah satu jenis ular berbisa yang sangat ...
However, sea snakes are actually highly venomous snakes found in aquatic environments for most or all of their lives. Sea kraits are sea snakes that have flattened, paddle-like tails to help them ...
A now-viral video captures the chilling incident where a venomous krait (as identified by netizens) lunges at a man’s head while he is casually talking on the phone. The snake slithered from the ...
Also captured were 798 Oriental rat snakes, 603 beauty rat snakes, followed by three highly venomous species: 522 Taiwanese kraits, 277 Taiwanese mountain pit vipers and 154 Taiwanese bamboo vipers, ...