Explore strategies for controlling COPD and improving health, with a focus on management and lifestyle changes.
Our program provides pulmonary and critical care medicine training in a collaborative environment, to include a unique blend of clinical training and clinical-and-laboratory-based research. Our goal ...
If you have COPD, follow your usual care plan and all public health recommendations to minimize your risk of contracting and transmitting COVID-19. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms, contact your ...
Additional research addressing the connection between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and metabolic syndrome is needed to improve holistic patient care, according to a new editorial.
Learn how personalized exercise routines can transform your COPD journey, enhance resilience, and improve your quality of ...
Among patients with COPD who experienced an exacerbation, the risk for cardiovascular events was highest in the following 2 weeks and stayed elevated more than 1 year after, according to study results ...
People with COPD experience more falls and related injuries requiring medical care when using common fall-risk increasing ...
People with COPD experience more falls and related injuries requiring medical care when using common fall-risk increasing drugs, according to a new study.