The program, led by the city's Planning Department, provided a $17,500 grant for the sign, about roughly half of the cost, ...
A “Land of the Giants” stretch of Route 66 in Tulsa is getting another giant. "Have no fear, we will be back in 2026 to ...
An Oklahoma lawmaker says he hopes new House leadership will support a better outcome for his resurrected bill to display the ...
In 2015, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ordered the removal of a statue of the Ten Commandments from the state Capitol, finding it a violation of the state Constitution. A year later, Oklahoma voters ...
A proposal to consider text amendments that would change the standards required for outdoor billboard signs was put on hold Monday at the Lee County Board of Commissioners meeting. Warren Stancil, the ...
TULSA, Okla. — You can barely turn a corner in downtown Tulsa without running into a musician or recording studio. Mike Williams, the owner of St. Cecilia's Listening Room in Tulsa, knows the music ...
Nick Sidorakis, now entering into a contract with the city, has already been the driving force behind an effort to improve conditions at the Page Belcher and Mohawk Park golf courses.