Gold worth Rs 29 lakh, concealed as metal buttons of apparel, has been seized from the possession of an Indian male passenger at the international airport here, the customs department said on Tuesday.
Carlsen, 34 now, became the world’s top chess player at age 13 and has retained the Grandmaster title five times since then.
Cobalt blue floors, reflective chrome furniture and a column of yarn balls come together to create the futuristic interior of ...
According to police, Mahto was passing by in his vehicle on the night of October 10 when he saw two men assaulting the woman ...
This actress escaped from a war and travelled to India. During her early days, she had no food, no clothes or house to live.
Kanpur: Police on Saturday solved a student murder case dating back two and a half years. Through investigation, the Special Operation Group (SOG) and Kharela police established that four people had ...