Bacalaureat 2025. Elevii au avut la dispoziție trei ore pentru rezolvarea subiectelor. Rezultatele de la simulare nu vor fi ...
Kate Mara will be everywhere at this year’s South by Southwest. After the world premiere of “The Astronaut” last on Friday, the world premiere of “The Dutchman” on Saturday and the U.S ...
Întrebat cum de a acceptat provocarea de a merge la Asia Express 2025 și de ce face echipă cu Mara Bănică, vedeta ne-a mărturisit că avea de mult în gând să participe la show-ul de la Antena 1, iar ...
Gophers guard Mara Braun, right, has been like another coach for the team while injured. (Carlos Gonzalez/The Minnesota Star Tribune) ...
If ever there were a collection to understand the modern woman, it is Max Mara Fall/Winter ’25. The Milan Fashion Week show drew inspiration from the romantic works of the Brontë sisters to ...
Comunicat de WEB CONNECT S.R.L. ... ă organizezi o sesiune de business, un training, un seminar sau o conferinţă, gândeşte-te să îmbini utilul cu plăcutul. Săli modern amenajate, cu tehnologie de ...
Elevii grupului Eco de la Centrul Scolar de Educatie Incluziva Nr.1 au prezentat cateva constructii de cuiburi artificiale din materiale refolosibile, au realizat desene cu mesaje de constientizare a ...
MARA generated nearly 2,500 Bitcoins in the fourth quarter, and also bought roughly 15,600 coins in the open market. The company is not afraid to buy and make Bitcoins with borrowed money. It's ...
MARA Holdings' profitability hinges on efficient Bitcoin mining, BTC price appreciation, and the availability of unmined Bitcoins, with significant exposure to energy and regulatory risks. The ...
Shares of MARA Holdings (NASDAQ: MARA)-- formerly known as Marathon Digital Holdings -- jumped as much as 19.3% higher on Thursday morning. The move, driven by an analyst-stumping earnings report ...
Cea mai grea iarnă din ultimii 40 de ani a fost cea din 1985, cu două perioade mai lungi de două săptămâni de temperaturi negative. Minimul de -38 grade Celsius nu a mai fost atins de atunci Echipa ...