WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) - Dry and warmer weather will push into Wisconsin throughout the rest of the week, as a very large and strong storm system, approaches for the weekend. We are still expected to ...
Bob Dylan’s “Rough and Rowdy Ways Tour” is set to visit the Miller Auditorium in Kalamazoo, Michigan on Wednesday, April 16. The route is named for the 10-time Grammy-winner’s 2020 album ...
One of the best skins introduced in Fortnite Chapter Six, season two is the Outlaw Midas skin. Here are all the details on how to get it. Midas is one of the most popular characters in the ...
[UPDATE 3/11/25]: Willie Nelson has expanded his 2025 Outlaw Music Festival tour, which is set to hit the road again this spring with a rotating lineup featuring Bob Dylan, Billy Strings ...
The Fortnite Outlaw Oasis Vault is a cache of loot hidden within the luxury spa retreat, but you can only get to it if you know the secret method to reveal it. This is separate from four main ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Almost two months into President Donald Trump’s second term, the chairman of the House Republican campaign committee is already predicting his party will pick up seats in the ...
Eli Lilly has acquired Organovo’s lead asset, a clinical FXR agonist designed to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in a deal worth up to $50 million in biobucks. Organovo’s stock ...
Credit: Elena Vafina via Getty Images. Eli Lilly (Lilly) has agreed to make a $10m upfront payment for full worldwide rights to San Diego-based Organovo Holdings’ farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist ...
“We are excited to deliver FXR314 and our FXR program to Lilly for Phase 2 and further development. Their world-class development excellence and dedication to delivering for patients will provide an ...
Organovo Holdings, Inc. announced that it will be acquired by Eli Lilly and Company, which includes Organovo's FXR program and its lead asset, FXR314, aimed at treating inflammatory bowel disease ...
Eli Lil­ly is buy­ing Organo­vo’s far­ne­soid X re­cep­tor (FXR) ag­o­nist pro­gram, which in­cludes a drug in Phase 2 de­vel­op­ment for ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis and meta­bol ...
SAN DIEGO - Organovo Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ONVO), a biotech firm specializing in 3D human tissue models, has reached an agreement to sell its FXR program, including the lead asset FXR314 ...