Demand for workers with climate skills is already increasing, as more job postings specifically cover adapting to the green ...
Sharks and rays have populated the world's oceans for around 450 million years, but more than a third of the species living today are severely threatened by overfishing and the loss of their habitat.
Earth's climate has changed throughout history for numerous reasons, but modern climate change is driven by human behavior.
Scientists discovered that rapid temperature changes due to climate change are forcing species to move or be replaced faster than ever.
As climate change intensifies, farmers are being forced to adapt to the effects of climate disruptions on their crops’ valuable water resources.
US President Donald Trump says that wind farms harm birds and whales. Scientists weigh wind power's impacts on wildlife against those of oil and gas.
As climate change complicates growing the region’s historically emblematic crops, like olives and lemons, Amata is seeing more farmers follow the same path. They are all “already starting to change ...
It was expected. On his first day in office, President Donald Trump announced the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris ...