These might include the time and place of delivery, payment, the point at which the risk of loss shifts from the seller to the buyer, and the party responsible for freight and insurance costs.
U-@phumla_mpila uthe: “Impi ekhona phakathi kwabantu abamnyama namakholwa ebala elimnyama ngento ethinta ukukhonza idlozi ngeke ize iphele manje.” ...
“Asisho ukuthi sithini kodwa nje sizibuza imibuzo ukuthi ingozi yase yenzeka ngesikhathi esibucayi kangaka lapho sekushoda ukuthi kumenyezelwe ophume phambili kwabebehlungwa bese inkampani ekhona ...
Rat lungworm parasite. Photo / Centres for Disease Control and Prevention A 30-year-old New England woman’s symptoms started with a burning sensation in her feet. Over the following two days ...