Laravel introduced fresh ideas like Eloquent ORM and a streamlined approach to routing, along with a focus on clear, consistent syntax that would lower the barrier to entry for junior developers ...
This Laravel Eloquent extension adds support for JSON foreign keys to BelongsTo, HasOne, HasMany, HasOneThrough, HasManyThrough, MorphTo, MorphOne and MorphMany relationships. It also provides many-to ...
This Laravel Eloquent extension allows merging multiple relationships using SQL views. The relationships can target the same or different related models. Supports Laravel 5.5+.
Eloquent in whichever language she was speaking, she liked to pepper her sentences with evocative Italian words like “sfortunatamente”. In 1961 she met and later married Iain Macdonald ...
Look closely at this image, stripped of its caption, and join the moderated conversation about what you and other students see. By The Learning Network Look closely at this image, stripped of ...