Fishbowl' ('La Pecera') is the first Puerto Rican film nominated at the Goya Awards (Spain’s equivalent to the Oscars) for ...
A recent study on cell-cultivated fish has produced promising results that could put seafood back on the menu for the three ...
A new study suggests that never-seen-before stem cells in the human retina can restore vision in mice with a common eye ...
Marek's disease can be pervasive in chicken houses. Chickens infected by this highly contagious viral disease often develop ...
Patients with trimethylaminuria, or "fish odor syndrome," make too much of a chemical with a strong fishy smell.
Many people believe that dropsy is a disease, but this isn’t true. Dropsy is a freshwater fish condition that arises as a ...
Incorporating foods rich in certain vitamins and nutrients may help protect your vision and lower the risk of certain eye ...
An investigation is underway into fish deaths and a mysterious foam on a South Australian beach, with several people ...
The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil can help protect heart health. (Kelli McGrane, RD) ...
Erythrocyte membrane (EM) abnormalities in a 16-yr-old boy with hypoalphalipoproteinemia resembling fish eye disease (FED-LS) were investigated. The proband's erythrocytes had markedly decreased ...
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that can impact a person’s central vision. AMD is a leading cause of vision loss for people age 50 and older. This can occur very ...
The type 2 version of the disease affects both eyes, though not always with the same severity. CDMO Rentschler winds down operations at UK cell and gene therapy plant in strategic shift toward ...