Although there are many different kinds of sea slugs, only some can photosynthesize. Even beyond sea slugs, the Elysia chlorotica is the first animal thus far known to photosynthe ...
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute scientists have discovered Bathydevius caudactylus, a new species of glowing sea slug that lives deep in the ocean.
Since Donald Trump returned to office, experiments with a sea creature have taken on an unexpected connection to humans.
and few compare to the likes of this sea slug. So, let’s dive a little deeper into what this animal is, where it lives, and some other basic facts surrounding this incredible animal. This little ...
I had been given a mission: to film a blind, underwater sea slug known as the sea bunny, which uses its ‘ears’ to sense chemicals in the water, and feeds on a poisonous blue sponge in order to ...
The animal belongs to a genus of air-breathing marine slugs called Peronia ... → 6-foot-long sea creature — with 'sharp' snout — discovered as new species in Colombia → 'Large' creature ...
Scientists have discovered the ultimate case of regeneration: Some decapitated sea slugs can regrow hearts and whole new bodies. This “wonder of nature,” reported in a biology journal on ...