Dragon Ball Super is widely regarded as the best of DBZ's sequels, but Dragon Ball GT managed to do some amazing work with its supporting cast.
Dragon Ball GT took a much more interesting approach with its cast than the canon sequel to DBZ, Dragon Ball Super. For its first third, it follows Goku, Pan, Trunks, and Giru, and it doesn't go ...
For all its mistakes, Dragon Ball GT advanced the setting and characters of Dragon Ball in a way Dragon Ball Super has refused to.
For those who love GT and its ideas, it's a fun side story for Goku that comes up with a lot of great ideas along the way. For those who hate it, GT can largely be ignored anyway, because its ...
There has been much discussion about which form of Goku is better and one such form that has risen to stardom is Super Saiyan 4. Super Saiyan 4 was first introduced in Dragon Ball GT when Goku ...
Unfortunately, turning Goku and friends into kids ... Even insofar as individual instances go, GT did have its questionable moments. Many involve Pan, who was constantly made too weak to become ...