Menurut pakar teknik pesisir, ada tiga pelajaran utama yang bisa dipetik dalam 20 tahun sejak tsunami 2004: pentingnya sistem ..., Moskow - Istri Bashar al-Assad, presiden Suriah yang digulingkan, tidak memiliki keinginan untuk cerai. Hal tersebut dikonfirmasi oleh juru bicara (jubir) Kremlin.
Banyak orang terlambat mengetahui dirinya terkena diabetes melitus (DM). Padahal semakin cepat Anda mendeteksi gejala dan ciri-ciri penyakit ini, semakin besar pula peluang Anda terhindar dari ...
The exact whereabouts of the deposed dictator's wife – London-born Asma al-Assad – is currently unknown, but Bashar al-Assad did confirm that he had fled to Russia, and his family are believed to be ...
RASELNEWS.COM - Asma adalah gangguan saluran pernapasan yang ditandai oleh peradangan dan penyempitan saluran udara. Pada penderita asma, saluran udara menjadi lebih sensitif terhadap rangsangan ...
Meniru atau menyalin bentuk gambar orang lain (misalnya segitiga, kotak, lingkaran). Mampu memakai sendok garpu sendiri. Mengulang cerita yang didengar. Membuat kalimat terdiri dari lima kata.
A view of a picture of Asma, wife of Syria's Bashar al-Assad at one of the rooms in Presidential Palace known as Qasr al-Shaab "People's Palace", after rebels seized the capital and ousted Syria's ...
Rather, the Assads – alongside Asma’s family, the Akhras – possess a large network of power and influence that stretches far beyond Syria’s borders. Their reign in Syria began in 1971 when ...
London (AFP) – Once celebrated as an advocate of women's rights in the Middle East, Syria's British-born former first lady Asma al-Assad has fled into exile with her husband, with UK officials ...
Asma al-Assad was born in London in 1975 and has spent half her life in the UK, with her parents still living in the west of the capital city. She retains British citizenship, but foreign minister ...