Ever wonder if Santa has a greenhouse at the North Pole? You know, a person can’t live on cookies alone! And, he needs something to do in the downtime of winter. Since gardening supplies might not ...
While propagation may be the Golden Goose for free plants, many attempts may just wither and die. This common mistake may be ...
Orchids are long-lived plants that produce flowers every year in the late winter if they receive the proper care. “After an ...
Keep the plant in a location where it receives a few hours of bright yet indirect light a day. Too much sunlight and the ...
After all the excitement of the Christmas and New Year celebrations, January can be sort of a let down! Not a lot to look forward to unless you are a gardener and then you will enjoy seeing the first ...
Climbers can transform any garden, whatever the size. Whether you have a small urban balcony or large rural plot, using one ...