Objective To identify methods of tophus measurement for gout studies, summarise the properties of these methods and compile a detailed pictorial reference guide to demonstrate the methods. Methods A ...
At just 17 years old, Australian teenage sprint sensation Gout Gout is already being touted as the next big thing in athletics. With his explosive speed, remarkable endurance, and an impressive track ...
Eating a lot of pork is bad for gout because it increases your risk of recurrent gout attacks. The same is true for other kinds of red meat and organ meats, like liver and kidney. Pork has moderately ...
MSU crystals are unlikely to be a significant contributor to aortic valve disease, but the possibility continues to merit consideration in the hyperuricaemic patient with tophi elsewhere. Over the ...
An injury to the groin from falling on an object that is being straddled. Examples are playground equipment, crossbars of a bike, or a fence. In boys with a straddle injury, the urethra can be bruised ...